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IFRS 17 is a principles-based accounting standard and allows for alternative accounting treatments. Under IFRS 17, changes in financial assumptions can alternatively be routed through Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) (for GMM contracts), instead of the Profit and Loss account and thereby reducing volatility.

Why Should Your Organization Migrate to Oracle Cloud? Cloud computing has entered the mainstream—and it’s here to stay. According to 451 Research, 41 percent of all enterprise computing workloads are already running in some type of public or private cloud, and 60 percent of all computing workloads are expected to be in a public or private cloud by the middle of 2018.

Oracle Database Appliance is an “always on” database system. It does not have to go down if a component fails. Component failures are accounted for and the configuration is built with redundancy and single point of failures in mind. Further, it is a very simple system to deploy and operate.

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